Category: Lean in Daily Life

  • Lean in Daily Life: Your respect for others will be your ticket to success.

    Lean in Daily Life: Your respect for others will be your ticket to success.

    Your respect for others will be your ticket to success.  I usually don’t take fortune cookies seriously, but this one is different. It was very fitting that I was having lunch with “lean” colleagues when I read it as respect for people and continuous improvement are the two pillars of the Toyota Way:  The Toyota Way 2001…

  • Lean in Daily Life: Why you are looking at snow

    Lean in  Daily Life: Why you are looking at snow

    You may wonder (a few people have asked) why the header of this website (and the background of my computer) is a picture of snow. No, I wasn’t missing Winter all Summer. I still have non-fond memories of the record 90 inches we got last year and my corner lot with a bus stop across…

  • Lean in Daily Life: Why to or not to 2.5 S the Garage

    People frequently assumed that I parked my car outside in my driveway because I had too much stuff in my garage. If that was the case and I had a desire to park my car in my garage then 5S might be a solution to my problem. But that wasn’t a problem I had. The…

  • Lean in Daily Life: Helping a Rabbit Through PDSA

    A couple weeks ago I traumatized a few young rabbits when I mowed near their nest. They hopped out and off and I left a patch of long grass in my otherwise perfect yard 🙂 A couple hours later I noticed this: I decided to do nothing. This rabbit got in through some open space…