Random Thoughts: Still on my Elimination of Waste Soapbox
I was just skimming / reading my dissertation (part of an effort to make some of the knowledge in it more accessible. That dissertations aren’t widely read is not a secret 😉 I was thinking / realizing how much my thinking and understanding has advanced in the 3.5 years since I wrote it and it…
Blogging on a Book: Inside the Mind of Toyota. Developing People: Start with Motivating
“Where motivation exists, technical knowledge and skills will follow.” -Satoshi Hino, Inside the Mind of Toyota “Production is the starting point for creating value and creating civilization. Without production there is no technological progress. Production always takes place by virtue of people and their accumulated know-how. Unless you nurture people, therefore, you can’t even begin…
Blogging on Blogs: Purpose: Why have one?
Purpose, like so many things, can be looked at from different perspectives. With Lean it seems it is usually discussed at the organization or department level. It might be told or reached by consensus – does which matter? But what about individual purpose? Is that important? Do you want to live longer? …
Why and How: What is the relationship with What is done and What is achieved?
I’m a big fan of seeking to understand. To the point where I have a paradigm of caring far more about the intention behind actions than the actions themselves. Though I hope that the actions are supportive of the intention. But when they are not, what is important is to understand why the action did…
Change Process: Engaging People and Overcoming Resistance
Resistance to change is a commonly noted problem in the process of change. Given my obsession with understanding I like to start with understanding and respecting the resistance. Kathleen Dannemiller, building off the work of David Gleicher, presents the following change formula as a diagnostic tool and planning model: “D x V x F >…
Building on a Previous Post: Understanding Motivation: Can It Help Influence Willingness to Change?
Respecting and understanding where people are at using motivation interviewing was discussed in a previous post: Understanding Motivation: Can It Help Influence Willingness to Change? Capital One has provided a phenomenal resource by compiling and sharing material on using motivation interviewing: Coaching Past Denial and Resistance.
Does Language Matter?: PDCA or PDSA?
PDCA or PDSA (Plan – Do – Check – Adjust or Act and Plan – Do – Study – Adjust or Act) ? Does it matter which you use? It depends (like everything). It is dependent on who your audience is and what you are trying to achieve. Who is your audience? Where are they…
Lean in Daily Life: Why to or not to 2.5 S the Garage
People frequently assumed that I parked my car outside in my driveway because I had too much stuff in my garage. If that was the case and I had a desire to park my car in my garage then 5S might be a solution to my problem. But that wasn’t a problem I had. The…
Lean in Daily Life: Helping a Rabbit Through PDSA
A couple weeks ago I traumatized a few young rabbits when I mowed near their nest. They hopped out and off and I left a patch of long grass in my otherwise perfect yard 🙂 A couple hours later I noticed this: I decided to do nothing. This rabbit got in through some open space…
Blogging on a Blog: Cost Reduction, Waste, and Purpose
It is somewhat ironic* that I would write a post on waste: Cost Reduction, Waste, and Purpose. I never lead any conversation on Lean with waste and I cringe (at least on the inside) when I hear Lean defined as the total elimination of waste. The core of that cringing is the elimination of waste…